Saturday, March 30, 2013

"Forefathers" Part 1

                He thinks to himself how he got here, Was it chance.. luck perhaps ? Selfishly the 3rd opinion that creeps through his brain is skill and cunning faith,but surely no one has made it this far on their own two feet alone..Something called "The Junction" (an occurrence of mysterious origins) had made it seemingly impossible to survive under one's natural ability without forcing all Citizens of what was once a naturally plentiful,vastly abundant self-reliant society to choose a path between a power corrupted knowledge supressing Government Rightfully named "The Corporation" by the opposition or what the Media portrayed as a "Rebellious Revolutionary" group dubbed "The Forefathers"...
                 A smirk slowly starts to appear on Lewis's face "Did I miss something ?" his brother whispers to him ,"Its just that name ! The Forefathers?! I think we can make it work" He reply's almost as if the notion was pre-conceived."Sure" Clark mumbles shooting his brother a sarcastic stare as they navigate the rough terrain of rubble and steel, "Then we can go to "The Black House" and ask to borrow a cup of granulated sugar" the siblings make brief eye-contact as laughter bellows throughout the entrance of the last "free" place on Earth, A long-forgotten abandoned section of old New York City's sewer system.
                 Lewis skips the last few ladder rungs recklessly splashing into a small stream of drainwater from the streets above he startles a mouse searching for a meal no doubt, it nervously scurry's to a crack in the wall. Clark follows in a steady but more routine like manor,The City's power grid had been hacked to allow lighting and in most area's of what had become known as "The Lounge" to its inhabitants. the brothers breath deep, its relieving to be in friendly territory "The Corporation" has Scout drones roaming the city with no relent, seeing as how they are AI controlled and are programmed to detain any soul without "Corporation sanctioned" identification cards. A majority of the population has accepted this as they've been coaxed to sleep when it comes to what truly matters, therefore accepting the lives they are issued instead of chasing dreams and the luxury's of what was once a lush green planet literally perfected for Human life.

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